Baseball's Dead of WWII, Gary Bedingfield
2010| REVIEW BY Barbi Ennis Connolly; Historian and Researcher for the 57th BW and all of WWII.
*** WW II Heroes of the Minor Leagues by Gary Bedingfield, Author ***
"Baseball's Dead of WW II" by Gary Bedingfield
A great book. This is a great book ! The "Love of Baseball"..... This is an incredible "Must-Read" for anyone who appreciates "Dedication, Discipline, Devotion.... " Read about true heroes and extraordinary events of the men who shared a common bond..... "Love of Baseball". The integrity of the ball field to the integrity of the battle field.
Read about true heroes and extraordinary events of the men who shared that common bond. These are true stories of real men, young men, most of which could hardly have been called "seasoned" and they chose to fight. Every loss of human life is tragic yet many of these brave men actually choose their Greater Destiny.
"Nor shall they be Forgotten".
Gary has testified to the actual facts and the living tributes that our own home-grown men actually had dual-citizenship, so to speak, in the activity of Baseball and the Military. Men with real and very touching stories who had the statistics behind them to show that many were to have become famous Baseball Greats. Our "Heroes" as they were, either way. Showing they had strength and inner courage of such magnitude that it leaves little doubt about how many "Baseball Legends" there would have been, had they lived. Gary has captured the essence of each individual man, DEDICATION that in many cases led them to risk their lives to preserve OUR Freedom, at any cost, for more than just our Country, but for all people in all places.
Baseball instills 'Team Spirit', bonding with men from all walks of life and reacting for the good of ALL of the members. What could have been more instrumental in preparing these men for War ? Which attribute do you speak of 1st ?
Gary has captured the true essence of the real emotion of Commitment. . . . This book describes Honor and Integrity..... "American Patriotism" at it's finest. . . . From the Baseball Field to the Battle Field.
Some, maybe most, were absolutely ordinary men that were in no way "ordinary". Sportsmanship is a team effort, teamwork results in the end-goal of reaching out for the good of all. . . . Some were awarded the "Soldier's Medal" the very definition of which means they threw their own personal safety out the window in the space of a heart beat to save a fellow soldier. . . a Buddy ! Did Baseball teach them the skills needed to perform amazing feats of heroic behavior ? In this book are documented statistics, mixed with many types of personalities that were "greatness in the making".
Read these exciting stories of the men who were our future Baseball legends, who were serving their Country with the same dedication that would have placed them in the Hall of Fame. What else could possibly have been so instrumental in preparing them for War ? How could something as unimaginable and devastating as Pearl Harbor and the United States entering the War bring out such true heroes ? There were early losses and some deaths caused only by situations generated by the activity of War, as well as actual Combat Losses.
"These losses only fueled the American Spirit to burn brighter in both Baseball and in winning the War."
Sincerely, Barbara Ennis Connolly,
57th Bomb Wing Researcher, Historian for my Dad/Ed Ennis' 321st Bomb Group. WWII B-25 Mitchells in the MTO. Dedicated to Bobby Gruss who died in a tragic training accident in a B-24 in Nevada.
2010| REVIEW BY Barbi Ennis Connolly; Historian and Researcher for the 57th BW and all of WWII.
*** WW II Heroes of the Minor Leagues by Gary Bedingfield, Author ***
"Baseball's Dead of WW II" by Gary Bedingfield
A great book. This is a great book ! The "Love of Baseball"..... This is an incredible "Must-Read" for anyone who appreciates "Dedication, Discipline, Devotion.... " Read about true heroes and extraordinary events of the men who shared a common bond..... "Love of Baseball". The integrity of the ball field to the integrity of the battle field.
Read about true heroes and extraordinary events of the men who shared that common bond. These are true stories of real men, young men, most of which could hardly have been called "seasoned" and they chose to fight. Every loss of human life is tragic yet many of these brave men actually choose their Greater Destiny.
"Nor shall they be Forgotten".
Gary has testified to the actual facts and the living tributes that our own home-grown men actually had dual-citizenship, so to speak, in the activity of Baseball and the Military. Men with real and very touching stories who had the statistics behind them to show that many were to have become famous Baseball Greats. Our "Heroes" as they were, either way. Showing they had strength and inner courage of such magnitude that it leaves little doubt about how many "Baseball Legends" there would have been, had they lived. Gary has captured the essence of each individual man, DEDICATION that in many cases led them to risk their lives to preserve OUR Freedom, at any cost, for more than just our Country, but for all people in all places.
Baseball instills 'Team Spirit', bonding with men from all walks of life and reacting for the good of ALL of the members. What could have been more instrumental in preparing these men for War ? Which attribute do you speak of 1st ?
Gary has captured the true essence of the real emotion of Commitment. . . . This book describes Honor and Integrity..... "American Patriotism" at it's finest. . . . From the Baseball Field to the Battle Field.
Some, maybe most, were absolutely ordinary men that were in no way "ordinary". Sportsmanship is a team effort, teamwork results in the end-goal of reaching out for the good of all. . . . Some were awarded the "Soldier's Medal" the very definition of which means they threw their own personal safety out the window in the space of a heart beat to save a fellow soldier. . . a Buddy ! Did Baseball teach them the skills needed to perform amazing feats of heroic behavior ? In this book are documented statistics, mixed with many types of personalities that were "greatness in the making".
Read these exciting stories of the men who were our future Baseball legends, who were serving their Country with the same dedication that would have placed them in the Hall of Fame. What else could possibly have been so instrumental in preparing them for War ? How could something as unimaginable and devastating as Pearl Harbor and the United States entering the War bring out such true heroes ? There were early losses and some deaths caused only by situations generated by the activity of War, as well as actual Combat Losses.
"These losses only fueled the American Spirit to burn brighter in both Baseball and in winning the War."
Sincerely, Barbara Ennis Connolly,
57th Bomb Wing Researcher, Historian for my Dad/Ed Ennis' 321st Bomb Group. WWII B-25 Mitchells in the MTO. Dedicated to Bobby Gruss who died in a tragic training accident in a B-24 in Nevada.