for all Management and Employees
To be complaint with the new Occupational, Safety, and Health (OSH) Standards under rule 1020, ProThrowbacks appoints manager Edito "Jun" Capingcot, Store Manager as our point of contact for all OSH manners and hereby appointed as our OSH Representative to be added to the regular duties as manager of the day to day operations of onsite business.
The company's OSH Representative shall comply with the current guidelines set forth by the Department of Labor.
That includes but not limited to:
Personally be trained and certified as a first aider or allow the certified and trained Safety Officer of our mall owner act as our official certified representative for the entire building. However, as a minimum... mandatory viewing of the following first aid video presentations shall be watched by all employees. Get signatures of all employees saying that have watched these videos and understand the contents. An annual renewal of these videos will be a good reminder of skills and technics needed.
Coordinate with DOLE personnel and the company's Vice President to ensure all OSH Admin reports (if required) are submitted on a timely manner.
Ensure our business is current with all OSH registration via the office of the Department of Labor.
The following link can be reviewed, especially rules regarding electricity on pages 108-110, fire protection and control pages 147-157, and annexes.
OSH-Standards-Amended-1989.pdf (dole.gov.ph)
And issues regarding covid 19
The company's OSH Representative shall comply with the current guidelines set forth by the Department of Labor.
That includes but not limited to:
Personally be trained and certified as a first aider or allow the certified and trained Safety Officer of our mall owner act as our official certified representative for the entire building. However, as a minimum... mandatory viewing of the following first aid video presentations shall be watched by all employees. Get signatures of all employees saying that have watched these videos and understand the contents. An annual renewal of these videos will be a good reminder of skills and technics needed.
Coordinate with DOLE personnel and the company's Vice President to ensure all OSH Admin reports (if required) are submitted on a timely manner.
Ensure our business is current with all OSH registration via the office of the Department of Labor.
The following link can be reviewed, especially rules regarding electricity on pages 108-110, fire protection and control pages 147-157, and annexes.
OSH-Standards-Amended-1989.pdf (dole.gov.ph)
And issues regarding covid 19
- Office of the President Memorandum Circular No.86 – Ensuring the Compliance of Government Agencies and Instrumentalities with Health Protocols Applicable to their Workplaces During the State of Public Health Emergency, and For Other Purposes
- DOLE DO 224-2021 – Guidelines on Ventilation for Workplaces and Public Transport to prevent and Control the Spread of Covid-19
- Labor Advisory No. 09-21 – WAIR COVID Form
- Labor Advisory No.08-21 – Promotion of COVID-19 Vaccination in the Private Sector
- Labor Advisory No.03-21 – Guidelines on the administration of COVID-19 Vaccines in the Workplaces
- DPWH DO No. 33-21 – Clarification on Department Order No. 30-21, Regarding Small-Scale Projects
- DPWH DO No. 30-21 – Revised construction Safety Guidelines for the Implementation of Infrastructure Projects During the COVID-19 Public Health Crisis, Amending Department Order No. 39-20
- DTI-DOLE Advisory No.21-01 – On the Continued Vigilance Against new COVID-19 Variants through Enforcement of Existing Minimum Public Health and Safety Standards and Protocols
- DOLE –DTI Advisory No.20-03 – Implementation of the Requirements and Increase of Operational Capacity on Shuttle Services, and the requirements on Contact Tracing Under DTI-DOLE Joint Memorandum Circular No.2020-04-A
- DOT Administrative Order No. 2020-007A – Amended Guidelines Governing the Operations of Travel and Tour Agencies, and Tour Guides Under Community Quarantine
- CSC Memorandum Circular No. 23-20 – Interim Guidelines on Absences of Government Officials and Employees During the Community Quarantine due to COVID-19 Pandemic
- CSC Memorandum Circular No.18-20 – Amendment to the Revised Interim Guidelines for Alternative Work Arrangements and Support Mechanisms for Workers in the Government during the Period of State of Public Health Emergency due to COVID-19 Pandemic
- DOT Memorandum Circular No. 2020-006-A Amended Health and Safety Guidelines Governing the Operations of MICEE Organizers and Venues or Facilities under the New Normal
- DOT-PCCSD Memorandum Circular No. 2020-01 – Health and Safety Guidelines Governing the Operations of Dive Establishments in the New Normal
- DOT Memorandum Circular No. 2020-008 – Health and Safety Guidelines Governing the Operations of Travel and Tour Agencies and Tour Guides under the New Normal
- DTI-DOLE Advisory No.20-02 – Clarification on Provision of Shuttle Services, Workers Allowed to Report to Work, the Requirement of Isolation Areas, and disinfection procedures under DTI-DOLE Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2020-04A
- Labor Advisory No. 24-A-20 – Revised Guidelines on Engagement of Children 15 to Below 18 Years of Age in Public Entertainment or Information During Community Quarantine
- DOT Memorandum Circular No.2020-07 – Health and Safety Guidelines Governing the Operation of Island and Beach Destinations under the New Normal
- DPWH Department Order No. 83-20 – DPWH Guidelines on COVID-19 Management
- DTI-DOLE Advisory No.20-01 – Clarification on the Expanded Risk-Based testing for COVID-19 of At-Risk Individuals
- DTI-DOLE Joint Memorandum Circular No.20-04 – Supplemental Guidelines on Workplace Prevention and Control of COVID-19
- CSC Memorandum Circular No.14 – Interim Guidelines on Appointments and Other Human Resource Actions for the Period of State of Calamity Due to COVID-19 Pandemic
- DTI and DOLE Interim Guidelines on Workplace Prevention and Control of COVID-19
- Labor Advisory No.18-20 – Guidelines on the Cost of COVID-19 Prevention and Control Measures
- Labor Advisory No. 09 -20 – Guidelines on the Implementation of Flexible Working Arrangements as Remedial Measure Due to the On-Going Outbreak of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
- CSC Memorandum Circular No.05-20 – Interim Guidelines on the Use of Leave Credits for Absences due Self Quarantine and/or Treatment Relative to the Corona Virus Disease-2019 (COVID-19)
RA 9165 Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002
It is the policy of the State :
A. To safeguard the integrity of its territory & the well-being of its citizenry, particularly the youth, from the harmful effects of dangerous drugs on their physical & mental well-being, and
B. to defend the same against acts or omissions detrimental to their development and preservation Unlawful Acts and Penalties Section
C. Importation of Dangerous Drugs &/or Controlled Precursors & Essential Chemicals. Offenders:
Penalty: 1. Importer Life to Death + P500k-P10M
2. Importer Death + P10M using Diplomatic Passport
3. Financier, Organizer, Death + P10M Manager of Importation
4. Protector/Coddler 12y1d to 20y + P100k to P500k Section
5. Sale, Trading, Administration, Dispensation, Delivery, Distribution & Transportation of Dangerous Drugs &/or Controlled Precursors & Essential Chemicals Elements:
It is the policy of the State :
A. To safeguard the integrity of its territory & the well-being of its citizenry, particularly the youth, from the harmful effects of dangerous drugs on their physical & mental well-being, and
B. to defend the same against acts or omissions detrimental to their development and preservation Unlawful Acts and Penalties Section
C. Importation of Dangerous Drugs &/or Controlled Precursors & Essential Chemicals. Offenders:
Penalty: 1. Importer Life to Death + P500k-P10M
2. Importer Death + P10M using Diplomatic Passport
3. Financier, Organizer, Death + P10M Manager of Importation
4. Protector/Coddler 12y1d to 20y + P100k to P500k Section
5. Sale, Trading, Administration, Dispensation, Delivery, Distribution & Transportation of Dangerous Drugs &/or Controlled Precursors & Essential Chemicals Elements:
First Aid for Severe Bleeding - YouTube
How To Perform Compression Only CPR (Training from the American Red Cross) - YouTube
Duties and Rights of Employers and WorkersDuties of Employers
- Provide a place of employment for workers which is free from hazardous conditions that are causing or are likely to cause death, illness, or physical harm to the workers.
- Provide complete job safety instruction and proper orientation to all workers, including those relating to familiarization with their work environment.
- Ensure that chemical, physical, and biological substances and agents and ergonomic and psychosocial stressors do not pose a risk to health.
- Use only approved specific industry set of standards of devices and equipment for the workplace.
- Comply with OSH standards: training, medical examination, provisions on protective and safety devices (e.g. PPE and machine guards). Training for workers includes health promotion, hazards associated with their work, health risks involved or to which they are exposed to, preventive measures to eliminate or minimize risks, steps to be taken in cases of emergency, and safety instruction for the jobs, activities, and tasks to be handled by workers.
- Involve workers in the process of organizing, planning, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating the OSH management system.
- Provide for trainings and drills, evacuation plans, etc., to deal with emergencies, fires, and accidents including first-aid arrangements.
- Comply with all reportorial requirements of the OSH standards.
- Register establishment to DOLE (Department of Labor and Employment).
- Install safety signage and devices in prominent positions and strategic locations, in a language understandable to all, and in accordance with OSH standards on sign colors, to warn workers and the public of hazards in the workplace
- Have workers undergo appropriate training and certification as a requirement before the use of heavy duty equipment.
- Is liable for complying with OSH standards, including the penalties imposed for violations.
- In the case of a stoppage of work due to imminent danger as a result of the employer’s fault, the affected workers must still be paid their corresponding wages during the period of suspension of operations.
- Participate in capacity building activities on safety and health.
- Undergo the mandatory workers’ OSH seminar.
- Proper use of all safeguards and safety devices provided for workers’ protection.
- Comply with instructions to prevent accidents or imminent danger situations in the workplace.
- Observe prescribed steps to be taken in cases of emergency (i.e. participating during the conduct of national or local disaster drills.
- Report to their immediate supervisor or any other responsible safety and health personnel any work hazard that may be discovered in the workplace.
- File claims for compensation benefits due to work-related disability or death.
- Right to Know – All workers shall be appropriately informed by the employer about all types of hazards in the workplace, and be provided access to training, education, and orientation on safety and risks.
- Right to Refuse Unsafe Work – The worker has the right to refuse work without threat or reprisal from the employer if an imminent danger situation exists.
- Right to Report Accidents – Workers and their representatives shall have the right to report accidents, dangerous occurrences, and hazards to the employer, to DOLE, and other concerned government agencies. They shall be free from any form of retaliation for reporting an accident.
- Right to Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) – Employers shall provide workers PPE for any part of the body that may be exposed to hazards; a lifeline, safety belt, or harness; and respirators, masks, or shields when necessary. This should be free of charge.
All government and private employees, workers, managers, and supervisors, including members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the Philippine National Police (PNP), shall be provided with the standardized basic information and instruction on HIV/AIDS which shall include topics on confidentiality in the workplace and attitude towards infected employees and workers. In collaboration with the Department of Health (DOH), the Secretary of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) shall oversee the anti-HIV/AIDS campaign in all private companies while the Armed Forces Chief of Staff and the Director General of the PNP shall oversee the implementation of this Section.
ARTICLE III TESTING, SCREENING AND COUNSELLING SEC. 15. Consent as a Requisite for HIV Testing. – No compulsory HIV testing shall be allowed. However, the State shall encourage voluntary testing for individuals with a high risk for contracting HIV: Provided, That written informed consent must first be obtained. Such consent shall be obtained from the person concerned if he/she is of legal age or from the parents or legal guardian in the case of a minor or a mentally incapacitated individual. Lawful consent to HIV testing of a donated human body, organ, tissue, or blood shall be considered as having been given when: (a) a person volunteers or freely agrees to donate his/her blood, organ, or tissue for transfusion, transplantation, or research; (b) a person has executed a legacy in accordance with Section 3 of Republic Act No. 7170, also known as the "Organ Donation Act of 1991"; (c) a donation is executed in accordance with Section 4 of Republic Act No. 7170. SEC. 16. Prohibitions on Compulsory HIV Testing. – Compulsory HIV testing as a precondition to employment, admission to educational institutions, the exercise of freedom of abode, entry or continued stay in the country, or the right to travel, the provision of medical service or any other kind of service, or the continued enjoyment of said undertakings shall be deemed unlawful. 10 SEC. 17. Exception to the Prohibition on Compulsory Testing. – Compulsory HIV testing may be allowed only in the following instances: (a) When a person is charged with any of the crimes punishable under Articles 264 and 266 as amended by Republic Act No. 8353, 335 and 338 of Republic Act No. 3815, otherwise known as the "Revised Penal Code" or under Republic Act No. 7659; (b) When the determination of the HIV status is necessary to resolve the relevant issues under Executive Order No. 309, otherwise known as the "Family Code of the Philippines"; and (c) When complying with the provisions of the Republic Act No. 7170, otherwise known as the "Organ Donation Act" and Republic Act No. 7719, otherwise known as the "National Blood Services Act".
ARTICLE VII DISCRIMINATORY ACTS AND POLICIES SEC. 35. Discrimination in the Workplace. – Discrimination in any form from pre-employment to post-employment, including hiring, promotion or assignment, based on the actual, perceived or suspected HIV status of an individual is prohibited. Termination from work on the sole basis of actual, perceived or suspected HIV status is deemed unlawful.
All government and private employees, workers, managers, and supervisors, including members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the Philippine National Police (PNP), shall be provided with the standardized basic information and instruction on HIV/AIDS which shall include topics on confidentiality in the workplace and attitude towards infected employees and workers. In collaboration with the Department of Health (DOH), the Secretary of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) shall oversee the anti-HIV/AIDS campaign in all private companies while the Armed Forces Chief of Staff and the Director General of the PNP shall oversee the implementation of this Section.
ARTICLE III TESTING, SCREENING AND COUNSELLING SEC. 15. Consent as a Requisite for HIV Testing. – No compulsory HIV testing shall be allowed. However, the State shall encourage voluntary testing for individuals with a high risk for contracting HIV: Provided, That written informed consent must first be obtained. Such consent shall be obtained from the person concerned if he/she is of legal age or from the parents or legal guardian in the case of a minor or a mentally incapacitated individual. Lawful consent to HIV testing of a donated human body, organ, tissue, or blood shall be considered as having been given when: (a) a person volunteers or freely agrees to donate his/her blood, organ, or tissue for transfusion, transplantation, or research; (b) a person has executed a legacy in accordance with Section 3 of Republic Act No. 7170, also known as the "Organ Donation Act of 1991"; (c) a donation is executed in accordance with Section 4 of Republic Act No. 7170. SEC. 16. Prohibitions on Compulsory HIV Testing. – Compulsory HIV testing as a precondition to employment, admission to educational institutions, the exercise of freedom of abode, entry or continued stay in the country, or the right to travel, the provision of medical service or any other kind of service, or the continued enjoyment of said undertakings shall be deemed unlawful. 10 SEC. 17. Exception to the Prohibition on Compulsory Testing. – Compulsory HIV testing may be allowed only in the following instances: (a) When a person is charged with any of the crimes punishable under Articles 264 and 266 as amended by Republic Act No. 8353, 335 and 338 of Republic Act No. 3815, otherwise known as the "Revised Penal Code" or under Republic Act No. 7659; (b) When the determination of the HIV status is necessary to resolve the relevant issues under Executive Order No. 309, otherwise known as the "Family Code of the Philippines"; and (c) When complying with the provisions of the Republic Act No. 7170, otherwise known as the "Organ Donation Act" and Republic Act No. 7719, otherwise known as the "National Blood Services Act".
ARTICLE VII DISCRIMINATORY ACTS AND POLICIES SEC. 35. Discrimination in the Workplace. – Discrimination in any form from pre-employment to post-employment, including hiring, promotion or assignment, based on the actual, perceived or suspected HIV status of an individual is prohibited. Termination from work on the sole basis of actual, perceived or suspected HIV status is deemed unlawful.
Executive Order No. 187 series of 2003 or the “Instituting A Comprehensive and Unified Policy for the Tuberculosis
TB policy in accordance to the Department Order No. 73 series of 2005 or “Guidelines for the Implementation of Policy and Program on TB Prevention and Control in the Workplace”, in the new normal setup. Pursuant to the EO No. 187-03, the DOLE promulgated the DO 73-05 where all establishments, workplaces and worksites in the private sector are mandated to “formulate and implement a TB prevention and control policy and program.
TB policy in accordance to the Department Order No. 73 series of 2005 or “Guidelines for the Implementation of Policy and Program on TB Prevention and Control in the Workplace”, in the new normal setup. Pursuant to the EO No. 187-03, the DOLE promulgated the DO 73-05 where all establishments, workplaces and worksites in the private sector are mandated to “formulate and implement a TB prevention and control policy and program.
Section 23. Integration of Mental Health into the Educational System. - The State shall ensure the integration of mental health into the educational system, as follows:
(a) Age-appropriate content pertaining to mental health shall be integrated into the curriculum at all educational levels; and
(b) Psychiatry and neurology shall be required subjects in all medical and allied health courses, including post-graduate courses in health.
Section 24. Mental Health Promotion in Educational Institutions. - Educational Institutions, such as schools, colleges, universities, and technical schools, shall develop policies and programs for students, educators, and other employees designed to: raise awareness on mental health issues, identified and provide support and services for individuals at risk, and facility access, including referral mechanisms of individual with metal health conditions to treatment and psychosocial support.
All public and private educational institutions shall be required to have a complement of mental health professionals.
Section 25. Mental Health Promotion and Policies in the Workplace. - Employers shall develop appropriate policies and programs on mental health issues, correct the stigma and discrimination associated with mental conditions, identify and provide support for individuals with mental health conditions to treatment and psychosocial support.
Section 23. Integration of Mental Health into the Educational System. - The State shall ensure the integration of mental health into the educational system, as follows:
(a) Age-appropriate content pertaining to mental health shall be integrated into the curriculum at all educational levels; and
(b) Psychiatry and neurology shall be required subjects in all medical and allied health courses, including post-graduate courses in health.
Section 24. Mental Health Promotion in Educational Institutions. - Educational Institutions, such as schools, colleges, universities, and technical schools, shall develop policies and programs for students, educators, and other employees designed to: raise awareness on mental health issues, identified and provide support and services for individuals at risk, and facility access, including referral mechanisms of individual with metal health conditions to treatment and psychosocial support.
All public and private educational institutions shall be required to have a complement of mental health professionals.
Section 25. Mental Health Promotion and Policies in the Workplace. - Employers shall develop appropriate policies and programs on mental health issues, correct the stigma and discrimination associated with mental conditions, identify and provide support for individuals with mental health conditions to treatment and psychosocial support.